CAM-V Zonal System
Underfloor supply, high level return
The CAM-V system makes use of the raised floor void as a plenum for the distribution of supply air. Return air is received back to the unit at ceiling or high level.
No division in the floor plenum means the CAM-V system is the best option for flexibility and future reconfiguration.
Use the hotspot image below to see how the components fit together in a CAM-V system. Click on the [+ symbol] to reveal the product description.
CAM-V Unit

The CAM-V delivers conditioned air into the supply plenum and receives return air at high level for re-conditioning. The unit is mounted on a standard baseframe with no airflow division.
Fantile (TUx)

The Fantile (Fan Air Terminal) is designed to replace a standard 600mm x 600mm raised access floor panel and is recessed into the floor. It extracts conditioned air from the plenum below the raised floor and introduces it into the workspace. It also re-circulates room air. Fantiles feature two temperature sensors (floor and room) and a motorised damper.

A floor standing fan terminal unit designed for areas unsuitable, or with inadequate space for recessed terminals. The unit is positioned over an opening in the raised floor, extracts conditioned air from the plenum and delivers it into the space.

Integrated controller for fan terminal units allowing individual user control of fan speed and temperature adjustment

Display unit allowing visual access and control of CAMs, Fantiles and zone communications. The Flexmatic-E/Flexmatic Touch can monitor up to 16 CAM, or 8 if the system is configured with an external BMS

Wall mountable, touchscreen remote controller for Fantiles which allows user adjustment of fan speed and temperature and measures CO2 and humidity. PIR sensor detection available.
Flexvisor Software

All CAMs and Fantiles can work independently or connected in a network. FLEXVISOR BMS software is available for independent remote monitoring and supervision, with local access using network IP address, or remote access using remote access web address.
Raised Floor Access

A Raised Access Floor creates the underfloor plenum which becomes the ventilation zone for the supply (and return) of conditioned air. The substructure must have slotted pedestals and stringers is for maximum support and air tightness. 600mm carpet tiles or bonded floor finishes are recommended for future reconfiguration of space as Fantiles are designed to be interchangeable with standard 600mm floor panels.
Fresh Air Module

The fresh air model FA7/FA5 draws additional fresh air from outside and delivers it directly into the CAM to mix with spent air often used when central air treatment plants are not installed.
You may want to view the CAM-C system with underfloor supply air and underfloor return air.
Explore CAM-C System